Every morning as the golden Andalusian sun rises, Greg rises, pours himself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and sits on his sunny balcony in glorious Marbella. He opens his laptop and sets to work, turning explicit pornographic images into beautiful works of art that are dazzling to the eye. This is a day in the life of a self-employed graphic designer who is sought out by the industry’s most high end brands to give their products an air of magnificence, whilst creating a stunning world of fantasy that the consumers are eager to buy into.

Greg founded Red Roxy Studios back in 2010 after graduating in Visual Communication and discovered his talent at the age of 5, although back then he was creating far more innocent designs than the provocative images he constructs today.

Why All Businesses Need Red Roxy Studios

It was during the recession that he was asked to take on a project for an entertainment company. Later he discovered that ‘entertainment’ actually meant adult content, but he was happy to take on the challenge and breathe some new life into a tired industry that had become complacent. Greg revelled in seeing the images transform before his eyes as he weaved his magic and soon he was hunted down by adult companies all over the UK, eager to add a dash of Red Roxy talent to their brand.

Why All Businesses Need Red Roxy Studios

The name Red Roxy has a subtle sexuality to it and it transpires that the brand name was based on an electronic dance track that Greg had created about the porn industry whilst at university.  Greg says:

“From the very beginning I wanted Red Roxy Studios to be synonymous with quality and professional design. I find the pornography to be the most honest and human of all the industries, there is nothing to hide. I passionately feel that with the right marketing and public relations, the Adult Industry can be revived to its former glory. Sex sells everything in this world, but somehow it fails to sell sex. I think that this suits big business fine, who know the potential of sexualising their own products… but they didn’t count on their techniques being used against them, they didn’t count on Red Roxy Studios!”


The graphic designer reveals he is inspired by trending markets. He names Edward Bernays, Kantar Futures, Empire Design, BLT Communications and Fireplay in his list of sources from which he draws creative energy. Having hired Greg myself recently to design a book cover for me, I can say that his work is like a breath of fresh air. In an industry where so many corners are cut and amateur content is rife I am keen to hear Greg’s opinions on this. He tells me:


“I think that people take short cuts in all industries and far too often design gets overlooked as being a luxury they can afford to lose. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Advertising and marketing of products are the driving forces of our lives. We work ridiculous hours, in many cases for jobs that we don’t feel passionately about and why, because we can buy that iPhone, that car, that holiday. Graphic design gives products emotional meaning. You don’t need this product but….. you will feel better if you have it. That’s the power of marketing. The people that skimp on design don’t always realise that their very own dreams and desires are governed by design. In the right hands, businesses can utilise design and marketing to engineer the success they lust over. When Adult businesses grasp this sociological aspect of their consumer base, they don’t spend as much time worrying about their profit margin.”

Harmony Films, one of Red Roxy Studio’s biggest clients are a great example of how great marketing and design can help your brand actualise success. The British Movie Studio has won 9 AVN awards and recently won Foreign Studio Of The Year at XBIZ in Vegas.  They are living proof that investing in the quality of your branding and products gets results.

Why All Businesses Need Red Roxy Studios

However, you don’t have to be a huge brand to see a rise in profits and gain recognition, you just need to think outside of the box. Small businesses should consider graphic design as an investment rather than an additional expense. Greg believes that you get out what you out in! His passion for design is certainly contagious and having conversed with this eloquent businessman, I am feeling a shift in my thinking and it easy to see how one man’s vision can change perceptions and influence trends and brands. It’s obvious that Greg is ambitious, passionate and forward thinking, but I can’t help wondering if looking at boobs and bums all day is a little like eating a mountain of sweets every day. Can you really have too much of a good thing? Greg reveals that his focus is the end product and his customer’s needs. He believes that the key to selling more porn is to empower women and not to objectify them and of course I couldn’t agree more! When it comes to sex, Greg reveals he prefers the real thing. As tempting as it is, I decide not to pry too deeply into Greg’s private affairs and instead ask him about difficult customers. One thing he finds baffling are businesses that don’t feel they need social media marketing.  He says:

‘Difficult people are unavoidable. I can be extremely difficult when I want to be. My approach to all my clients is simple, I am going to give them the best service, the best work for the best price and if they throw that away then their punishment is that I will no longer work with them. It’s not a scam and sometimes people don’t realise what they have until its gone. Integrity and reputation is everything. Failing that I send demons to haunt them while they sleep.”

I make a mental note not to get on the wrong side of Mr Red Roxy, seeing as I have trouble sleeping as it is without pesky demons popping up shouting peekaboo just as I drift off! Eager to get this thought out of my mind I quickly change topic and ask what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened during his career. He has me in stitches when he reveals:

“I once accidentally sent an especially conservative mainstream client the wrong email… I’ll never hear from them again. Oh, and never ever open your inbox from a laptop in Starbucks. Pro tip. “


Tip duly noted! I wonder if this is the kind of advice Greg would give to his 15 year old self.


“If I could go back in time I wouldn’t give my 15 year old self any advice at all, I’d sit him down and see if he had any advice for me. World views, perceptions… our perception of how the world works… all of this must be developed over time. Sometimes we learn so much that we forget what is the most important things to us on a soul level. If I had to leave him with some advice it would be these two things. You don’t get what you deserve in life, only what you negotiate… and that the strongest position of negotiation, is behind able to walk away and mean it.”

Why All Businesses Need Red Roxy Studios


This dedicated chap certainly means business and expects to receive the same level of professionality as he has become accustomed to giving his clients. So it’s no surprise to learn that his aim is for Red Roxy Studio’s to “Become the number one creative design and advertising agency for Adult Entertainment in the world.”

The entrepreneur’s relentless ambition and dedication to detail is probably one of the things that has him standing head and shoulders above similar brands. He plans to help his clients inject a higher level of passion into their businesses and help them continue to profit from changes in the laws regarding the internet regulations that are coming into place in the year ahead. Also underway is a line of apparel and stylised playing cards which feature the crème de la crème of porn stars.

I ask Greg why businesses should choose Red Roxy Studio’s for their business and he jokes: “Because if your competitors do, we’ll bury you!”


Finally, I ask what Mr Red Roxy’s favourite types of projects are and he quips
“Boobies and bums!’ then he continues “I also prefer projects that I can spend the day on without worrying about anything else. I don’t like quickies! “

You can see more of Red Roxy’s Studio’s Striking Designs at:


Follow them now and revolutionise the way you do business:


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