Virtal Kink

2025 is the year I decided to write as if a whimsical spirit possessed my fingers. Allowing the ideas to flow, streams of words have begun to occupy the three main writing projects I am working on. Why work on three at once you ask? Ask my ADHD brain. It will probably tell you that switching between stories is stimulating and ensures I don’t experience writer’s block.


Manifesting a surge in salacious text-based sessions has also been a point of focus, and I’ve been astonished at the effectiveness of my visualizations. It helps to have an unwavering passion for conjuring scenarios and ideas so far outside the box that they are in another solar system!


The subject matter in my textual games is varied. Sometimes, I incorporate voice notes if I feel it is deserved or I get photos of my sub who carries out my requests and sends ‘proof’ that the task is completed. An example is my sissy – let’s call her Lisa  – who loves to dress up in the most garish, silk dresses adorned with layers of frills, ribbons and glitz. He always loves to start our play time looking pristine, knowing that a slow, rousing dance towards degradation will ensue. Lisa will be given simple but mildly humiliating tasks to commence. It may begin with dancing in her frilly attire, a series of slut drops, then the pace is increased and I will demand that she confess her sins or deepest thoughts to me, for my entertainment. I bet you would love to know what those are! You’ll have to keep guessing!

During the text session, Lisa will be instructed to enter the bathroom. Let’s revisit one of our recent sessions. Here he will sniff the toilet and describe how he feels. His love for degradation is based around his sense of smell so we play games where I tell him to sniff the toilet brush film and send me the video. Several seconds into watching the video I am in stitches. I am watching a grown adult male dressed like a character from Little Britain sniff around like a springer spaniel looking for Crack! As per my instructions, he lifts the toilet brush from its holder and with a wide-eyed stare, he lifts it to his face. I watch, amused, a plethora of emotions shift across his face, a wrinkled brow – he can’t quite believe what he’s doing! A curled upper lip signifies his disgust as the stench assaults the back of his nostrils, then a sheepish smile. He’s had a naughty idea! He starts to groom his facial hair with the loo brush, in a manner that implies he is undertaking a normal cleaning regime. This causes a high-pitched giggle to erupt from my throat. Then Lisa looks at the camera, her brows raised as if to ask, “Was that good enough Miss.”

‘It was jolly good indeed!” I fire back, or words to that effect. ‘That was a satisfactory warm-up for your final task of the evening.’ The final tasks might involve licking parts of the toilet normally reserved for splashes, or Lisa may enjoy the ultimate degradation, a good old-fashioned bogwashing! The instruction is given to my sub and he is eager to carry it out, knowing that peels of laughter will follow in the form of a voice note! Subby takes his position over the loo with his eyes focused ahead and his jaw set in determination. He takes his tasks extremely seriously and I would expect no less. After a few false starts, his head eventually disappears further into the bowl. His quavering fingers reach for the flush, shaking like he has a pneumatic drill inserted into his bottom. The fingers begin to press tighter into the lever and then adrenaline takes over and he pushes it down with full force. A tumultuous roar is heard as the water rises, swirling around, across his head and soaking him. He lifts his head and looks at the camera with a face like Stan Laurel when he’s just been pied in the face. Slave is trained well. He knows the train doesn’t stop here. His cupped hands disappear back into the bowl and come back into view containing water which he splashes into his face with an enthusiasm so immense, it might convince you that he was performing a self-baptism!


While these sessions involve a lot of input from the sub, others prefer to stick to texts. Another sissy, Dana has played online for a couple of years with me and is another one of my favourites as he likes to explore ideas that might be considered extreme by novice sissies and subs. We engage in fantasy role-play scenarios, often where a game of dares is involved and he must perform solo acts, or interact with another sissy in front of a braying audience who encourage him to put on the best show he can! What began with him and I chatting through scenarios morphed into something spectacular. Often in the chat, I will play myself, his husband, the other sissy and members of the audience who all have different styles, personalities and like lists. Switching between characters and creating dialogue stimulates my brain and I become wholly immersed in the experience. I’ve begun to picture the characters and how they might act when they are not at ‘one of the shows.’ Some characters are recurring and become bolder and more effervescent each time. Dana generally enjoys the pace of the session but if she wishes to increase the pace, occasionally she will chip in as one of the audience members demanding tasks or to see something more extreme. It’s a symbiotic experience as the words roll across the page, and create a virtual landscape of indulgence and depravity in a safe space. 


That’s the beauty of texting. You can be in the deepest darkest recesses of a dimly lit dungeon under the Earth. You can be tied to the stern of a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and after being berated, ordered to walk the plank! Or you could be in a distant galaxy run by a superior race of women that keep you as their pet slave. There are no limits (except for anything illegal.)


My fervour for writing sees my fingertips gliding over the keys in a frenzied dance, bringing to life weird and wonderful scenarios that might be impossible in reality. The more I engage in this enchanting game of wordplay, the more I feel compelled to write. Creating virtual worlds, whether in an encrypted space or book format, is a wonderfully expressive and immersive experience that allows my mind to wander far and wide.

If writing is the fruit of life, scribble on! 


Finally, I will leave you with this. If you don’t see life as magical you are not playing the game right. You are the player and the observer. You play the game, not the other way around. Be someone who makes you happy. 


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