Reading Mistress

Sex Machine Challenge Powered by Bondara

Watch the demo video here: Sex Machine Challenge Powered by Bondara   I’m filming a crazy new series for my clip stores and this is your big chance to take part! The Sex Machine Challenge Powered by Bondara, is not for the faint-hearted! Are you someone who enjoys a challenge? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to appear […]

Rise Of The Sex Toys – Hasta La Vista Baby!

Sex Toy Trends Sex toy trends are forever evolving.  Since the dawn of the Rampant Rabbit in the mid 90’s, sex toy manufacturers have been looking for the next big thing. Trawling social media sites and spending a small fortune on research has been an effective method of finding out exactly what the public want! […]

The Importance Of Bum Towels!

Fetish Play & Hygiene: The salt n pepper standard for any kinky play! As you, the reader glances at this blog, you might be quite mystified at the notion of bum towels. Well, please allow me to explain. Many of my slaves who frequent my premises enjoy a jolly good rogering with my strap on! […]

Ball Breaking Bitches!

Some of you reading this blog may have a secret ball-busting fantasy. Some of you have probably tried it and even enjoyed it! However, extreme ball-busting is usually reserved for the true ball-busting fanatics! Lawyer and Italian YouTuber Andrea Dipre´fits perfectly into that category and is known in the ball-busting world as a champion with […]

An Extract From My Novel Sordid Secrets…..

Sordid Secrets A Novel By Mistress Kaz An Erotic Romance Novel….  Chapter 1: Amy I stood in front of the grey building taking in my surroundings, a blend of nerves and excitement. I pulled out my pocket mirror, a pretty and ornate silver compact Hugh had bought me. I glanced at my reflection and felt a […]

Porn Pioneer Terry Stephens Talks Adult

He’s the man at the helm of the UK Adult Producers initiative, steering the adult business towards greater awareness and success. He has accomplished a great deal of positive change for the industry in the 20+ years he has been active, and has used his vast knowledge to educate, guide and inspire those around him. […]

Why It’s OK To Wear Fetish Clothing In Public

Fetish Clothing  Has Never Been So Popular! Until recently it was only the likes of Lady Gaga, Madonna and similar suitably rich and eccentric celebrities that wore fetish clothing in public. Latex, PVC, chains and spikes were saved for secrets nights out at some of London’s most kinkiest fetish clubs. If like me, you avoid […]

Rise Of The #Sexennials Sexual Freedom

Sexual freedom is no longer a distant dream for many women who refuse to be silenced, slut shamed and oppressed. They are taking the bull by the horns, demanding liberation and owning it. British women are reclaiming their sexuality and shouting about it from the roof tops. The rise of the female sex blogger is […]

Why All Businesses Need Red Roxy Studios

Every morning as the golden Andalusian sun rises, Greg rises, pours himself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and sits on his sunny balcony in glorious Marbella. He opens his laptop and sets to work, turning explicit pornographic images into beautiful works of art that are dazzling to the eye. This is a day […]

Agony: Blow Up Doll Blows My Mind

Dear Kaz,  After breaking up with my girlfriend several years back I bought a blow-up doll on the spur of the moment. I felt it might help with some of my sexual cravings and it did. I found I could experiment with more kinkier sex without the embarrassing problem of explaining my kinks and curiosities […]

UK Talk Radio Interview

I recently did an interview on UK Talk Radio with presenter Jonathon Hines to discuss my forthcoming erotic romance novella Sordid Secrets. If you missed my live interview on UK Talk Radio you can check out the audio below! Keep up to today with news and publication date here:

Adult Baby Blues

Dear Kaz,   About a year ago I went on a stag party with some mates and as a laugh we all dressed as adult babies and wore nappies and carried teddy bears and dummies. I think it must have triggered something inside me as I haven’t been able to stop doing it since.  I […]

Mainstream Media, My Book & New Year

Evening Slaves & Deviants, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the festive celebrations.   It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the world of Mistress Kaz and quite the media frenzy with the story of my alternative Christmas spent with my elf slaves appearing in many publications, from glossy Woman’s […]

The Thrill Of The Dungeon!

Sessioning in a dungeon has a slightly different feel to it than a domestic setting.  For one, there is all that wonderful shiny BDSM equipment that is crying out to be used! It longs to hold and hug a submissive close as the leather straps fasten tightly around the pale flesh of ankles, wrists and […]

Fetish Tips – Dominating The Missus

If you are normally submissive, you may struggle with dominating your significant other. Here are a few tips for beginners, inspired by a reader who wrote into my column at the Daily Sport. Dear Kaz,  My girlfriend and I are new to the fetish scene and have discovered we quite enjoy spanking with my girlfriend […]

Kaz’s Kinky Christmas Alphabet!

It’s that time of year when all the shops and businesses blast out Christmas songs for an entire month to drive you slowly mad. I’ve re-written…I mean butchered…a classic Christmas song so that when you are shopping with the missus, you can smile to yourself and sing my kinky version in your head!   C […]

Advice on Love Addiction And Fetish

Hello everyone, I write a weekly column for the Daily Sport and help readers with all kinds of personal problems from love and relationships through to fetish and sex. If you would like to send in your problem, your private details such as your e-mail address will never be shared. You can e-mail me anonymously […]

Advice: Objectum Sexuality & Revenge Porn Law

The Daily Sport’s resident Agony Aunt Kaz B answers your problems and requests for advice. To get advice anonymously on a personal matter e-mail Dear Kaz, I’m a 32-year-old guy with a good job and would consider myself fairy successful. The problem is my mother keeps asking me when I’m going to settle down […]

Kaz Catches Up With Red Heaven Media

I recently did lunch with Terry from Red Heaven Media for a catch up and to find out more about the brand. Over plates of canapés and a bottle of Pino Grigio, we chatted away like old pals and talked business, fetish and everything in between.   I was surprised to learn that Terry once […]

Uk Fetish Visits Eureka Lifestyle

If you are novice when it comes to swinging then the words ‘Swingers Club’ may conjure up images of sweaty bodies tangled on the dance floor and groping hands wandering as they try to grasp anything within their reach. This stereotype is an outdated and unrealistic idea of what swinging clubs actually embody. Whilst you […]

Read My Weekly Daily Sport Column

If you are single and have submissive tendencies or a fetish it is often hard to find someone to confide in or share your concerns. I have been in the fetish industry for over ten years now and this year become a columnist and agony aunt for the Daily Sport. Each week, readers send in their […]

Are We In The Golden Age For Kink?

Reading is a buzzing town of locals and commuters going about their business, scurrying to their day jobs, collecting the groceries and walking the dog.   Surrounded by rolling fields and countryside, no one would ever suspect that Reading hid such a multitude of kinky goings on! However, that office worker you see straightening his […]

Adolf Hitler’s Dirtiest Desires

This isn’t exactly the latest news, but quite remarkable so I thought I would write a blog about it. The name Adolf Hitler doesn’t exactly inspire thoughts of rainbows and sunshine but his name has become muckier than ever according to 2016 reports.  It is claimed that Hitler forced his own niece Geli Raubal into […]

Awards Season Is Here – Raise Your Profile!

It’s an extremely exciting time of year in the run up to all the different award ceremonies that are taking place in the autumn.  There is the Paul Raymond Awards and UK Adult Producers (UKAP) Awards that pay tribute to the finest adult performers in the industry, and of course The UK Glamour Awards which […]

Mistress Kaz B Joins #TeamDailySport

It is an absolute honour to be joining the ranks of The Daily Sport as a columnist. Writing is a real passion of mine and having been in the modelling, entertainment and fetish industry for over 10 years, it is a real pleasure to be able to share my years of experience and knowledge with their […]

Reading Slave Is Humbled

Relocating to Reading has been everything I hoped it would be and the slaves are probably even kinkier than ever! I’ve enjoyed some wonderful sessions with submissive slaves since I moved here, but one that particularly stands out is a session I did with Slave Nancy. Nancy is a big fan who is always sending me […]

The Best Webcam Show Ever

I blogged some time ago about ‘Cocktail Slut’ one of my slaves who’s fetish is based around his palette as he likes to ingest all kinds of vile food ingredients to please me. This slave never fails to entertain me. He is very articulate, educated and funny without meaning to be or even realising it. Last […]

Timewaster Alert Watford

This is a heads up for dommes in the Hertfordshire area. The client uses a fake twitter profile, turns up with no cash and tries to plea bargain. No matter how enticing the deal may seem to you, please don’t be deceived. Take my years of experience onboard and save yourself the headache.  So, this […]

Double Domination In Watford

Please note: I have now relocated to Reading, Berkshire.    For those of you who have been asking me about forthcoming duo’s and double domination days I have some great news for you! I have a few events lined up with other Mistresses over the next month. The first kicks off with Judgement Day on […]

Thou Shalt Obey Your Mistress

Sit and Obey – Obedience Training For The Feral Male. It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally I’ll encounter a sub who does not quite grasp the natural pecking order during session time. I suppose not every sub has an IQ big enough to fathom simple logistics and rules, but it is easy to teach them […]

Deadly Assassin Gets Pussy Whipped!

This is a role play scenario I enjoyed with one of my regulars recently…   My hitman Addy reported to me at 2pm and delivered news which was devastating and sent me into a furious rage. He had been appointed to take out a target from a rival group and had failed the mission. He arrived […]

Levels Of Domination

I always say that communication is key to any good relationship whether professional, friendly or romantic. This is especially true for D/S power exchange relationships. There are many different levels of domination and I am always certain to ask my slaves what level of a certain act or fetish they are looking for. This is […]

Women Rule And Men Drool!

I have some great regular slaves. They are generous, obedient, well mannered and know to to converse well with a Mistress. On the flip side – this month my phone has been even more inundated with utter fuck wits claiming to be subs and I thought I’d share some of this with you  – my […]

Have you experienced sub drop?

I was having a conversation with my slave the other day and saying that it was great to see how comfortable he is with his fetishes. I explained how I had a few subs that sometimes felt shame afterwards and would need reassurance or would sometimes appear to get depressed and disappear before returning to me full […]

Converted To Chastity By Mistress Kaz

King Snake is a submissive chap and an avid fetish fan, but he had never before entered Chastity until we began liaising. When he heard about my 7 day chastity challenge he decided to bite the bullet and lock up his cock 24/7 and report back to me daily. Sleepless nights and overwhelming and bizarre […]

Stan’s 7 Day Chastity Challenge

The 7 Day Chastity Challenge! Want to be part of this? Get in touch! You must be prepared to enter into chastity non-stop for one week and keep a diary for me! Stan Stan is a 36 year old delivery driver. Despite being happily married he craves the feeling of being submissive and has bisexual urges […]

Make Up Guide For Sissies

I often get sent photo’s from Sissies who have done their own make up and it’s obvious that some of them need a little help. After all most sissies want to look feminine and not like Krusty the clowns little sister. I am putting together this basic Make Up Guide For Sissies to help all […]

How To Douche For Your Mistress

Douching is always good practise if you intend to partake in any form of anal play. It avoids embarrassing moments and if you are well douched it will ensure that your Mistress doesn’t run from the room screaming should you leak something less than enticing from your rear end. I have had various experiences with […]

Fetish Model Lolani Talks BDSM

Lolani SBS is a 37 year old fetish model from the West Midlands who has a passion for BDSM and is strongly opposed to censorship within the media. This venturesome young lady began modelling at the sweet age 0f 18 when she entered a competition in the Sports newspaper and won. She was then headhunted […]

The Truth About Lifestyle Slaves

With so much fetish and BDSM on the internet there are more and more Vanilla’s (BDSM Virgins) dipping their toes into the world of fetish and experimenting with things they had never before considered. You may also be surprised to learn there is also an increasing number of submissive males who are living the BDSM lifestyle around the […]

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